Friday, February 26, 2010

A Chip Off the Old Block

I didn't really have many expectations for ACOTB since I don't really like this time period and TVB comedies are either a hit or miss for me. ACOTB was for the most part entertaining to watch and the family relationships in here were touching. I wished they would have shown how difficult it would be for somebody in the 2000's to live in the 1960's since it seem Ron Ng's character adapted and adjusted really well; it seem like it should have been sort of like "A Step into the Past" but not as bad of course. The whole time traveling incident wasn't really explained well and I'm still confused about that but it's a comedy so I'll let it past. The ending is a cliffhanger since they are planning to make a sequel. I hope the sequel would be as entertaining or even better since it doesn't seem like there is anything left to show after most of the problems were resolved in the first one.

Sunny Chan: He's such a nice character that it's unrealistic but he was not too boring to watch. He was believable as Ron Ng's father. 5*****

Ron Ng: He's cute in here (but then again he's always cute to me) and his character was fun to watch. His acting has been improving every time I watch a new drama of his. 5*****

Myolie Wu: I didn't really like her character in here until the second half. I thought she was more annoying than funny but Myolie did a good job. 5*****

Shirley Yeung: She was cute as an uneducated and loud noodles-making girl. She was entertaining to watch. 5*****

Nancy Wu: Her character wasn't all that important but she was cute and believable as an educated and wealthy girl. 5*****

Mandy Wong: This is Mandy's first drama and she was not bad in here! This is not a breakthrough role but she was able to convince me that she can act. I look forward to seeing her in more dramas in the near future. 4****

Sunny+Myolie: They are a lot cuter in here than in "War and Destiny". Their opposite personalities were interesting to watch. 4****

Ron+Shirley: The cutest couple in here so I wished they would have focused on their relationship more. I'm starting to see why a lot of people like them as a couple. 4****

Themesong by Ron Ng and Myolie Wu: I didn't like it at all when I first heard it but it sort of grew on me. 3***

Rating: 3.5***

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